All I need is u to make my patio utopia.
When you’re reckless, you’re wreck-full.
Yet another example of procrastination: writing a post about procrastination
Lay your head back and shut your eyes in honor of torpor, word of the day for August 20.
I like to believe that sometime soon you or I are going to be able to say “well dammit, you were right” and we could shake hands and forget it all.
These chat AI bots could probably write a heck of an autobiography.
Currently reading: Emergence by Steven Johnson 📚
The trouble with being a futurist:
“But TiVo and Replay — and their descendants — will also fall under the sway of self-organization. In five years, not only will every television set come with a digital hard drive — all those devices will also be connected via the Web to elaborate, Slashdot-style filtered communities.”
Written in 2000, this book has occasional wistful fairy tales that (unfortunately for us) didn’t come to pass.
You’re either pouncing or dinner.
self-reverence: overwhelming love for oneself
Currently reading: Emergence by Steven Johnson 📚
Let's not procrastinate
Those first few posts were not a real example of emergence. They are parts, and they add up to a whole, but it’s more like a jigsaw puzzle. The key to making sense of them is to read them in reverse order (oldest post first). That’s not normally how blogging works. They are a sufficient … read more
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Seven years ago I stopped working in tech. It’s been 14 years since I blogged. The Internet has changed a lot over this time. So has the world. Exploring that is part of what this blog is about. I have always told stories. My children say that I am a fabulist. I might also comment on things … read more
I wake up, and the bases look like pizza boxes. Lots more changed, whether I know it or not. Not going into details about how this happened for now. Eighteen months between posts… that’s some nap. And that was just me hitting the snooze button.